Mercopar emerged in the 90’s when hiring micro and small companies to supply parts and components for medium and large industries of the most diverse segments, was common.
Date :01/10/2019
Event :Mercopar 2019
Duration :October 1st - 3rd 2019
Venue :Caxias do Sul - RS - Brazil
Booth :CET 65
Reseller :Assistimaq
Over 27 years, Mercopar has grown, attracting exhibitors and visitors of both small and large companies of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil. The generation of business, the opening of new markets, the latest trends and technologies for innovation in the industry are in the mission of MERCOPAR since its first edition and these characteristics are strengthened each year.
In 2019, the fair is in partnership with FIERGS – Federation of Industries of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which expands the opportunities of business generation and the integration between large companies and small businesses.
Centro de Feiras e Eventos Festa da Uva
Rua Ludovíco Cavinato, 1431, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil